0121 318 2757


0799 955 9004

Debt Consolidation Loan

Debt Consolidation involves settling all your existing debts by acquiring a personal or secured loan. The concept is to clear all debts with the loan, consolidating multiple payments into a single fixed monthly payment.

Before opting for a loan to consolidate your debts, it's essential to consider several factors. The primary concern is the possibility of accumulating more debt to address existing debt. Ensuring that you can consistently meet monthly debt repayments and close the accounts cleared with the loan is crucial. Additionally, if you choose a secured loan and struggle with repayments, your home or assets may be in jeopardy.

Advantages of Debt Consolidation

  • All current repayments on credit cards and loans are converted into 1 monthly payment that is generally easier to manage and keep track of.
  • In some cases, interest rates can be lower, so you may have a more affordable payment by restructuring your debts with a loan.
  • Less pressure and harassment in dealing with multiple creditors (providing you close the cleared accounts and do not spend on them again)
  • You will have a set date when the loan will be paid off providing you keep to your repayments.

Cons of Debt Consolidation

  • Don't be fooled into thinking you have cleared your debts. You have just shifted the debt to another form of debt.
  • Be wary of interest rates. Try to get a fixed rate if you want a payment that doesn't change.
  • Fees may be payable to arrange the new loan.
  • If you have a poor credit rating you may have difficulty obtaining a loan and you may have a higher rate of interest to pay on a loan which can mean it is less affordable. An alternative debt solution may be a better option for you.
  • If you get into difficulties making the loan payments each month, it could be more challenging to deal with only one creditor if you are then looking at a debt solution.

Is Debt Consolidation the Right Choice for Me?

If you find yourself juggling multiple types of debt, each with its own set of bills and varying interest rates, and you're struggling to keep up, consolidating your debts into one monthly payment might be a beneficial option for you.

Work out your new potential monthly debt repayment

Contact Us


508/509, Offices, 121 Vyse St, Hockley, Birmingham B18 6NF, United Kingdom.


0799 955 9004
0121 318 2757

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 10am to 7pm
Friday: 10am to 4pm
Saturday: 10am to 3pm